随着AI生成内容(AIGC)技术如Diffusion的飞速进展,现如今,大家已能够轻易地使用Stable Diffusion(SD)[1]等文生图的模型或工具,将心中所想仅凭语言描述(prompt)即转化为具体图像。基于此,我们不禁思考:是否有可能进一步发展该技术,允许用户通过描述来为商品定制特定背景,从而协助商家快速且轻松地打造理想的商品图像?例如,为一个包生成一个室内桌面摆放的背景,或是为某款连衣裙创造出站在海边的、气质甜美的模特形象等。
5.1 白底背景生成
为了生成具有较好光影感的白底图,我们采用对图像的风格参考较强的Shuffle ControlNet 进行控制,输入为一张纯白色的参考图;同时为了避免影响前景部分的生成效果,我们同上文所述的Masked Canny ControlNet一样,引入mask 来控制 Shuffle ControlNet 仅作用于背景区域。此外,我们优化了生图时的 prompt,使得结果图在白底的基础上具有一定的光影效果。
为了提高白底图的效果稳定性,我们还使用了一种基于LoRA的方案。我们收集了大量高视觉美观度的纯色棚拍图,为提高LoRA与Inpainting ControlNet的兼容性,我们对图像进行分割处理,获得人物前景与背景,配合Inpainting ControlNet训练一个LoRA来生成纯色背景。
5.2 指定颜色后处理
在此基础上,为了生成指定颜色的背景,我们首先对白底图进行前景分割,然后以color matcher[10]的方式对背景进行颜色变换,具体来说,color matcher会接受一张颜色参考图和白底图的背景,并通过线性变换的方式将白底图背景映射为参考图的颜色。最后我们将前景和变换后的背景结合起来得到最终的结果图。
5.3 效果
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Hongyu Chen, Yiqi Gao, Min Zhou, Peng Wang, Xubin Li, Tiezheng Ge, Bo Zheng. Enhancing prompt Following with Visual Control Through Training-Free Mask-Guided Diffusion, arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.14768, 2024.
[1] https://stability.ai/news/stable-diffusion-public-release
[2] Lvmin Zhang, Anyi Rao, Maneesh Agrawala. Adding Conditional Control to Text-to-Image Diffusion Models. ICCV2023: 3813-3824
[3] aphael Tang, Linqing Liu, Akshat Pandey, Zhiying Jiang, Gefei Yang, Karun Kumar, Pontus Stenetorp, Jimmy Lin, and Ferhan Ture. What the daam: Interpreting stable diffusion using cross attention. ACL 2023: 5644-5659
[4] Hila Chefer, Yuval Alaluf, Yael Vinker, Lior Wolf, and Daniel Cohen-Or.Attend-and-excite:Attention-based semantic guidance for text-to-image diffusion models.ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 42(4):1–10, 2023.
[5] Royi Rassin, Eran Hirsch, Daniel Glickman, Shauli Ravfogel, Yoav Goldberg, and Gal Chechik. Linguistic binding in diffusion models: Enhancing attribute correspondence through attention map alignment. NeurIPS 2023.
[6] Weixi Feng, Xuehai He, Tsu-Jui Fu, Varun Jampani, Arjun Akula, Pradyumna Narayana, Sugato Basu, Xin Eric Wang, and William Yang Wang. Training-free structured diffusion guidance for compositional text-to-image synthesis. arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.05032, 2022.
[7] https://civitai.com/models/56519/negativehand-negative-embedding
[8] https://civitai.com/models/200255/hands-xl-sd-15
[9] Shanchuan Lin, Bingchen Liu, Jiashi Li, Xiao Yang. Common Diffusion Noise Schedules and Sample Steps are Flawed. WACV2024: 5392-5399
[10] F. Pitie and A. Kokaram, "The linear Monge-Kantorovitch linear colour mapping for example-based colour transfer," 4th European Conference on Visual Media Production, London, 2007, pp. 1-9, doi: 10.1049/cp:20070055.