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Chrome OS Linux for Windows

   日期:2024-12-31     移动:http://keair.bhha.com.cn/mobile/quote/5778.html

Chrome OS Linux Distribution is a fast and lightweight open source operating system built around the revolutionary Google Chrome web browser. It includes GNOME desktop environment, experimental GNOME Shell desktop, Google Music Manager, Picasa, LibreOffice, GIMP, Pidgin, Cheese, Wine and many more. Available for free as a Live CD or USB Disk Image.

Chrome OS Linux is not related to Google Chrome OS and it's based on openSUSE, therefore it is very stable and open. Unlike Google Chrome OS, it runs on every x86-compatible PC, laptop or netbook and it does not require Internet access to run.

本文地址:http://keair.bhha.com.cn/quote/5778.html    康宝晨 http://keair.bhha.com.cn/ , 查看更多


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