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  • 联系人:王先生
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发布时间:2025-03-11        浏览次数:1        返回列表



美国运动科学院(National Academy of Kinesiology仅限160人)院士




1. 易于实施:小贴士通常简明扼要,容易理解和执行。人们通常更喜欢简单、可操作的步骤,而不是复杂的策略,尤其是在健康或生活方式的改变方面。

2. 鼓励积极变化:小贴士往往是温和的提醒或激励,帮助人们做出更健康的选择或改善习惯。它们可以激励人们做出一些小而稳定的改变,最终带来更大的好处。

3. 指导与支持:生活建议小贴士可以在面对挑战时提供清晰的思路和帮助。当信息过载时,精心设计的小贴士可以穿透杂音,直接给人们提供他们需要听到的内容。

4. 提升信心:有时候,人们在健康或生活的旅程中可能会感到迷茫或不确定。小贴士可以为他们提供一个起点或新的方向。即使是很小的建议,也能带来一种力量感。

5. 社交分享:小贴士常常在朋友、家人之间,或者通过社交媒体分享,因为它们简短易懂。当人们发现有效的方法时,往往会传递给他人,帮助更多的人。




1. 营养素从天然食品里去取

Healthy people, even those over 50 like myself, should not feel compelled to add a multivitamin or other supplement to their diet to stay healthy.


– Dr. Pieter Cohen

Associate professor at Harvard Medical School

2. 多吃含坚果的黑巧克力

Dark-chocolate-covered nuts (at least 70 percent cocoa) are almost a perfect food. They combine two remarkable nutrient-rich foods — nuts and cocoa — and are high in phenolics, minerals, healthy fats and fiber.


– Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian

Director of the Food is Medicine Institute at Tufts University



3. 咖啡健肝

What is a societally condoned dietary constituent that helps prevent liver disease, makes you alert and does not need to break the bank? Coffee! The cheapest brewed coffee with the lowest number of additives helps the brain, liver and microbiota.


– Dr. Jasmohan S. Bajaj

Hepatologist and professor at Virginia Commonwealth University

4. 别忘了吃“运动零食”

I look for opportunities for bite-size “movement snacks.” Exposure to different movements helps prevent injury and increases range of motion. When you leave a room, touch the top of the doorway. If you walk by a playground, just go hang on the monkey bar for a little bit. Put your hands against the wall, lean forward and pedal out your feet to flex your ankles. Look for times to sit on the ground, so you have to get back up. Try brushing your teeth on one foot.


– Michelle Voss

Associate professor of brain sciences at the University of Iowa



5. 别吃过度加工食品!

If you want to eat more healthfully, minimize your intake of ultraprocessed foods — concocted with nonfood ingredients, designed to be irresistible if not addictive (“You can't eat just one”) and unable to be made in home kitchens because you don't have the equipment or industrial ingredients. How do you recognize one? Check its ingredient list. If it's full of chemical flavors, texturizers or colors, leave it on the shelf.


– Marion Nestle

Professor emerita of nutrition, food studies and public health at N.Y.U.

6. 不要抱怨!

When I find myself stuck in a pattern of negative thinking, I try not to complain for seven days. It retrains your brain to stop going down a negative path. I write “Don't complain!” on a sticky note right by my bed so I see it when I wake up.


– Dr. Kali D. Cyrus

Psychiatrist and assistant professor at Johns Hopkins Medicine



7. 上厕所别看 …

Keep magazines, phones and any other reading paraphernalia out of the bathroom that will distract you from the task at hand — defecation! Studies show that extra time on the loo may increase your risk of hemorrhoids.


– Dr. Sophie Balzora

Gastroenterologist and clinical professor of medicine at NYU Langone Health

8. 第一步要小

My second-grade teacher, Ms. Edson, told us: If something feels too hard to do, it just means that the first step isn't small enough. So often when we're struggling, we tell ourselves that it's a sign that we're broken or that something is our fault, and then we freeze. But when something is too hard in the moment, tell yourself Ms. Edson's advice.


– Becky Kennedy

Clinical psychologist, parenting expert and founder of Good Inside

9. 有倦意再上床
I never force myself to sleep, and I don't wind down in bed.I go to bed when I feel sleepy. This means my bedtime may vary slightly every night, but I fall asleep quickly.

– Alicia Roth

Sleep specialist at the Cleveland Clinic



10. 保持社交从小事做起

I do small actions day to day that keep me connected with other people. I didn't used to. But then my research began to show people who do are happier, live longer and stay healthier. I started deliberately making dates with friends, going out to dinner with other guys. I have a Friday noon meeting every week with my friend and colleague Marc. And I make small, frequent contact with other people I want to stay connected to. Texting counts.


– Dr. Robert J. Waldinger

Director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development

11. 让“没时间”变成“有时间”

There's lots of work on what's called time affluence, the subjective sense that you have some free time. The simple act of giving myself a break — two to five minutes to catch my breath between tasks — makes me feel less time-famished. Studies would suggest that just changing that sense of time famine can have a disproportionate impact on well-being.


– Laurie Santos

Cognitive scientist and happiness expert at Yale University



12. 别让手机成为每天最先和最后看到的东西

In the world we live in, usually the phone is the last thing we see and the first thing we see. It's the bookend to our sleep, which is terrible. At night, I shut my phone down and meditate before I go to bed. In the morning, I meditate when I wake up — before looking at my phone.


– Peter Economou

Assistant professor of applied psychology at Rutgers University

13. 把生日和体检联系起来

Each year, make a commitment during your birthday month to schedule all your annual health checkups. Schedule them for anytime in the next year before your next birthday. Keeping your health in check requires consistent care. This helps make sure that you get it done.


– Dr. Folasade P. May

Gastroenterologist and associate professor of medicine at U.C.L.A.

14. 10-10-10法则提高专注力

Often when I'm feeling mentally foggy, I use the 10-10-10 rule: Take a 10-second break every 10 minutes to stare at something 10 feet away. This not only helps reduce eye strain from screen time, but the brief mental break can help boost your focus and refresh your cognitive clarity.


– Lisa Mosconi

Neuroscientist and director of the Weill Cornell Women's Brain Initiative



15. 4-7-8呼吸法胜过安眠药

If you wake up in the middle of the night, don't get up (unless you really have to pee). Instead, lie on your back and do 10 rounds of 4-7-8 breathing (inhaling for four seconds, holding it for seven and exhaling for eight). Then count backward from 300 by threes. The breaths slow your heart rate, while the math keeps your mind from racing. It works so well, it's like taking an Ambien.


– Michael Breus

Sleep specialist and author of “Sleep Drink Breathe”

16. 用好奇与恐慌做斗争

Curiosity is a superpower! It helped me learn to work with and overcome my own panic attacks. Whenever I notice the “Oh no!” voice in my head when I'm worrying, I can flip the inflection to the “Ohh?!” of being curious: “Oh, here's heart racing. Oh, here's sweaty palms. Oh, here's feeling like I'm short of breath.” When I bring curiosity to each of those by themselves, it doesn't feel as bad.


– Judson Brewer

Director of research and innovation at the Mindfulness Center at Brown University


17. 随时注意保护听力

I make small efforts to protect my hearing, like covering my ears when I'm using the blender and wearing ear plugs at concerts. Those exposures add up over time.


– Dr. Frank R. Lin

Director of the Cochlear Center for Hearing and Public Health at Johns Hopkins

18. 经常来点小仪式

When teams at work have rituals, their members tend to find more meaning in their work. How to start or end meetings, regular weekly lunches or drinks after work — rituals like these can help random co-workers become more connected.


– Michael Norton

Author of “The Ritual Effect” and professor at Harvard Business School