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百度发布奇葩问题搜索报告 这些问题真让人无语

   日期:2024-11-09     作者:xinet    caijiyuan   评论:0    移动:http://keair.bhha.com.cn/mobile/news/414.html


百度发布奇葩问题搜索报告 这些问题真让人无语

A list of top 12 weird searches revealed by Baidu, the leading search engine in China, boomed recently, showing the wild imagination of Chinese web users. 国内搜索引擎巨头百度公布了奇葩搜索问题前12名排行榜,这份近日备受关注的榜单展示了国内网友的奇葩脑洞。

Have you ever wondered "if you hold in a fart, where does it go?" According to Baidu, it exits out the mouth and nose. When people hold in gas it will absorb into the intestinal wall and then mix with the blood. Then the gas comes out through the mouths—the higher end of the digestive track. 你有没有想过“憋住的屁去哪儿了?”根据百度上的回答,它会从口鼻排出。当人们憋住不排气时,气体会被肠壁吸收,然后融入血液,从消化道的上端——口腔排出。

"Why can't I stop picking at acne?" raised the second biggest question mark. Baidu says the reason is obsessive-compulsive disorder. People with this mental disorder feel the need to repeatedly touch and squeeze their pimples until their anxiety is relieved by the repeated movements. This may also occur in people who are perfectionists or in those who are obsessed with their looks. 第二个最常见的提问是“为什么我就忍不住挤痘痘呢?”根据百度,这是强迫症导致的。强迫症患者总想不停触摸或挤压自己的粉刺,直到这种重复行为让他们的焦虑有所缓解。完美主义者或者过分注重外表的人可能也会这么做。

According to the data, people from 20 to 40 years old are curious why their snoring doesn't wake them up. According to Baidu, their brains ignore the information so they can have a good rest. 数据显示,20到40岁的人好奇为什么人不会被自己的鼾声吵醒。根据百度,是因为大脑忽视了这一信息,所以打鼾的人不会被打扰。

Some wanted to know: "Will mosquitoes still bite if I put a bowl of blood next to my bed?" Baidu says yes, as the bowl of blood will cool down and mosquitoes are attracted to heat. 有人想知道“床边放一碗血,蚊子还会来咬我嘛?”百度的答案是会,因为碗里的血液是冷却的,而蚊子喜欢有温度的。

There were also questions that Baidu was unable to answer, such as: "Why does my daughter look ugly?" According to Baidu's data, Libras are most likely to search this question. Many users on Baidu Knows comfort those who ask this question by saying "beauty is not everything" or "your daughter might be more beautiful when she blossoms into womanhood." 还有一些问题是百度也无能为力的,比如:“我女儿为什么这么丑?”根据百度的数据,天枰座的人最可能搜索这一问题。百度知道上的许多用户纷纷安慰该问题的提问者,称“美丽不是万能的”、“女大十大变,你的女儿长大后可能会更漂亮。”


根据Digitaloft公司整理的“20个最奇葩谷歌搜索问题”, 老外们最常搜索的奇葩问题第一名是“我怀孕了吗?”(Am I pregnant?),紧随其后的是“我怎么回家?”(How do I get home?)、“真的有外星人吗?”(Are aliens real?)、“放屁能燃烧脂肪吗?”(Does farting burns calories)。

还有人不少人关心“猪会出汗吗?”(Do pigs sweat?),因为和汉语中的“热成狗”类似,美国人形容热的时候习惯用sweating like a pig(汗如“猪”下)。但事实是,猪的汗腺非常不发达,所以并不怎么出汗。

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