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  • 暂无文章
  • 联系人:李女士
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发布时间:2025-01-12        浏览次数:1        返回列表



哈佛经济学教授Sendhil Mullainathan在纽约时报上显示了谷歌趋势的数据,假设这可能是一个故意的,事先计划好的行动,更好地鼓动人们去买新的iphone.

上面提到的推测对于任何制造复杂电子产品和软件的任何公司是有可能的—在20世纪20年代至30年代之间的太阳神计画(Phoebus Cartel)被证实是公司故意减产他们的产品从而使顾客买的更多--- 但是这种情况在今天的iphone事件是不可能的





以Facebook应用程序为例,现在对硬件的要求比起刚开始发布的时候要求越来越多,同样也适用于Twitter 应用程序,safari浏览器,邮件中。




但是苹果手机或多或少的独特之处就在于在一段时期内,苹果手机新推出的ios 软件在旧的手机里仍可使用。





 Does your iPhone feel like it gets slower the moment the latest Apple smartphone gets released?

You’re not alone. Google Trends shows a spike in searches from people simply for “iPhone slow” the moment Apple releases its latest iPhone, showing that people perceive their older iPhones to suddenly slow down.

The Havard economics professor Sendhil Mullainathan presented Google Trends data on the New York Times to posit that this could be a deliberate, preprogrammed action, to spur people to buy new iPhones.

While that is possible by any company who makes complex electronics and software – the Phoebus cartel of the 1920s and 1930s proved companies were willing to intentionally hobble their products to get consumers to buy more – it is highly unlikely in this case.

Smartphones and tablets suffer from similar issues to desktop and laptop computers. The longer they run, the more digital debris and detritus their software collects. Left over files, broken interlinks and conflicting software can quickly cause issues, tying up the device’s processor unnecessarily and making other necessary functions slow down.

Meanwhile the demands made of the processing hardware of devices by software ever increases as the systems and techniques improve and allow more and more powerful solutions to be developed.

The Facebook app for instance, does far more and requires far more of the hardware now than when it was first released, as does the Twitter app, Safari, Mail, and even the Guardian’s own app.

As apps get updated to do new things they can become slower on older hardware, but it might go unnoticed at first, until someone points it out. Hearing about a new smartphone release reminds the user that their phone is older, making them more sensitive to the lag and stutter they might previously have ignored.

A similar thing happens with cars when a faster, more powerful model is released, making an older (though still shiny) car seem a little less new and seem a little less quick off the mark.

But wher Apple’s iPhone is more or less unique is that the release of a new iPhone also brings a new version of Apple’s iOS software for older iPhones, typically within days.

As the software improves and adds more features it demands more of the hardware, and could make older models feel slower than they previously were.

Millions of iPhone users promptly upgrade to the latest software when it is released, instantly highlighting small and subtle changes. Users excitedly updat their smartphones and pore over every little aspect, causing many to wonder, "does it feel slower?".